Our Anti-Trafficking Work

Young Woman

When CASH first started, we were largely an outreach organization with a lot more heart than program funding!  It was after we started building our program capacity, but before we had an anti-trafficking program, that I met a young woman who had been a victim of human trafficking whose trafficker had been prosecuted in Sacramento.  At that time, she didn’t connect with services and she didn’t get any help for the significant trauma she had endured.  A couple of years later, she was still struggling.  At that moment, we couldn’t offer much, except referrals and a connection to people that understood.  But that meeting, and that young woman, inspired us to apply for our first anti-trafficking grant to offer SERVICES – a wide range of services that would be easily accessible and would meet the needs we knew existed for women who had been trafficked, immediately – and over time. 

Since 2016, we have provided dedicated, person-centered service using a collaborative, team approach – led by survivors.  We offer emergency housing, counseling, case management, mentoring, and connections to legal services and a medical safe-haven clinic.   We’ve helped more than 200 women with these critical supports.  We also provide long-term support that evolves as life stabilizes and individual needs shift from crisis to achieving goals.  We help women find permanent housing, first time jobs or career pathways, and ongoing health and wellness support. 

We also assist with County and State benefits, such as Cal Fresh and MediCal enrollment, and CalVCB.  CalVCB is a California benefit that provides survivors important support as they rebuild their lives because traumatic experiences persist after being trafficked when there is housing instability, addiction, and mental health issues stemming from the trauma. 

Interested in learning more about CalVCB?  Survivors, advocates, representatives, and attorneys can apply for CalVCB in several ways:

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