We Depend On
Your Support
Understand that people who are prostituted are victims of commercial sexual exploitation. We all need to speak up to stop the demand that results in sexual exploitation. Seeing women as a sexual commodity to be bought is unacceptable.
1 drop-in session
1 hour of street outreach
A training session on sexual exploitation for professionals
Food service for CASH clients for one month
4 individual Peer Mentoring sessions
Contribute to Our Wishlist
- Gift Cards drop-in center food and supplies
- Healthy, non-perishable lunch style food products (granola bars, small cans of fruit, juice boxes, etc.)
- Small bottles of water
- Regional Transit (RT) daily or single-ride bus passes
- Winter coats (size small to XX-large), scarfs, gloves, hats
- Women’s underwear (new) sizes 6 to 14 and socks
- Tennis shoes (slightly used or new)
- Hygiene products (lotion, deodorant, combs, make-up, bath wash, shampoo, deodorant, razors, tampons, mirrors, hair spray, hair moose, hair gel, etc.)
- Reams of white paper (8.5 x 11)
- Other office supplies (such as printer ink, colored paper, etc. - call to get current supplies needed)
Take the First Step Toward Your Future
We are safe and non-judgmental no matter what you're going through. Our outreach workers are trained, compassionate, and helpful, and are ready to help you find your footing again.