Peer-Led & Comprehensive
Our Comprehensive Services for Survivors programs provide intensive case management on an individualized, one-on-one basis to women who have experienced trafficking or other forms of sexual exploitation. Our case managers offer nonjudgemental support from survivor mentors who have been there before and know first-hand just how difficult it can be to build a life of stability and independence on your own.
We are here to help in that journey.

Support Tailored to You
Our case management programs include support tailored to your unique needs, including:
- Support with obtaining immediate housing or maintaining existing housing.
- Obtaining identification documents such as Social Security Cards, Birth Certificates, and ID Cards.
- Transportation to appointments, interviews, and other important opportunities.
- Obtaining employment including in-house referrals to our Employment Specialist.
- Financial assistance (as available) with groceries, basic needs, clothing, and gas.
- Access to trauma-informed medical care, regardless of lack of insurance or pre-existing insurance, for victims of trafficking and their children.
- Linkage to therapy and mental-health services.
- Referrals for subsidized child-care and assistance with child-care applications.
- Submissions of California Victim Compensation Board applications for victims of human trafficking.
- Advocacy and support in communications with landlords, schools, other service providers, etc. (Because we know, those phone calls can be so frustrating.)
- Appropriate referrals to other community organizations.
And whatever else comes up! Rebuilding a life is not easy, starting over can be scary, stressful, and hard. But it’s possible with a team of support on your side.
Contact our center at 916-856-2900 to schedule an intake with one of our staff members. Visit our drop-in center on a walk-in basis anytime between 12:30 – 4:30pm Monday through Friday. Or send a text or call to either of our case managers, contact Atoria at 916-695-2162 or Kristie at 916-793-6504.
When you’re ready, hope is here.
"Freeing yourself was one thing, claiming ownership of that freed self was another."
- Toni Morrison
Reach Out To Us